Monday, December 18, 2006
To live without power
For all those who look forward to my opinionated blogs, you'll have to wait. This blog is just me blathering on about my life. Nothing too interesting.
Since Friday my house has been without power. Which means more to my household than it does to many. In addition to the obvious, it means that we don't have heat, running water, or flushing toilets. Primitive almost. We have to build and maintain a fire in our woodburning stove and use a propane lantern to read at night. But, you're asking, how do I have internet?
This is the wonder of the modern era. My mom called around to hotels within about twenty miles of our house, booked us a room, and now I get to stay in a hotel until Thursday or when we get power, whichever happpens first. So I am very happy about having heat, light, and internet.
I do have to buy a decent swimsuit though because I left my old one-piece at school and I am not wearing any of my two-pieces for love nor money. Plus I don't have any of them with me.
That's the fun of my life, so I guess I will blog again later. Tata for now.
Since Friday my house has been without power. Which means more to my household than it does to many. In addition to the obvious, it means that we don't have heat, running water, or flushing toilets. Primitive almost. We have to build and maintain a fire in our woodburning stove and use a propane lantern to read at night. But, you're asking, how do I have internet?
This is the wonder of the modern era. My mom called around to hotels within about twenty miles of our house, booked us a room, and now I get to stay in a hotel until Thursday or when we get power, whichever happpens first. So I am very happy about having heat, light, and internet.
I do have to buy a decent swimsuit though because I left my old one-piece at school and I am not wearing any of my two-pieces for love nor money. Plus I don't have any of them with me.
That's the fun of my life, so I guess I will blog again later. Tata for now.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I am seriously disturbed, yet morbidly fascinated
I am currently exploring the similarities between Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and the experiments performed by D. Ewen Cameron in Montreal as a part of MK-ULTRA. I will tell more later, but all I can say for now is that I am seriously disturbed by all the similarities.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
It is days like this that are meant to blog
Wow. What a day and it is only a quarter to ten. I woke up this morning to find out that the university is completely open (quite a bummer), got dressed and did some major cramming for an exam just to keep the facts in my head, suited up for the cold weather and headed out about fifteen minutes earlier than normal. I arrived at the hall about seven minutes earlier than normal (ice made for a slower walk), sat down with my notes on paper and did the last bit of my cramming.
Once the class before us left (Chemistry of some kind I think) I headed in, set my stuff down, grabbed an exam, and started working. All of the questions on the front (short answer and one short essay) were very easy. The matching and multiple choice on the back were a little bit more difficult, but there were only maybe ten that I wasn't completely sure that my answer was the right answer and that was out of forty or fifty.
Since I finished about thirty minutes before the class was over (I finished it in about twenty five minutes) I left to go get breakfast from the dining hall. Other than the vegetarian gravy on the biscuits and gravy its been pretty good. It is very quiet.
I figured out yesterday that I am not technically supposed to get wireless signal in the dining hall because there technically isn't any, but somehow I pick it up. Go figure. I'm not complaining at all.
Well I've got things to do, so tata for now.
Once the class before us left (Chemistry of some kind I think) I headed in, set my stuff down, grabbed an exam, and started working. All of the questions on the front (short answer and one short essay) were very easy. The matching and multiple choice on the back were a little bit more difficult, but there were only maybe ten that I wasn't completely sure that my answer was the right answer and that was out of forty or fifty.
Since I finished about thirty minutes before the class was over (I finished it in about twenty five minutes) I left to go get breakfast from the dining hall. Other than the vegetarian gravy on the biscuits and gravy its been pretty good. It is very quiet.
I figured out yesterday that I am not technically supposed to get wireless signal in the dining hall because there technically isn't any, but somehow I pick it up. Go figure. I'm not complaining at all.
Well I've got things to do, so tata for now.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Cold and snow
It is too cold for the common good today. It is currently 10 degrees (Fahrenheit) and with windchill that feels like -2 degrees, which is colder than I can ever remember being in before. A foot and a half of snow. A Thanksgiving weekend two days longer than it was meant to be. I'm wondering if we have school tomorrow, which I think we will because there will be nothing really new happening tomorrow except possibly a little more snow. I guess I should check the school website.
The website doesn't say anything about tomorrow. I guess they're being cautious because yesterday they said that school would be open unless something happened in the night and they would have a final decision this morning. At 6:40 this morning my suitemate came in and told my roommate and I that there was no school today. I kind of want to have a class tomorrow because it would give me some intellectual stimulation and I haven't worked out for about a week because I only work out when I have class. If we don't have school tomorrow, as of noon it will be a week since we had classes.
My opinion is that the cold is too much. I am chilly in 50 degree weather so this weather is really getting to me. The snow is nice I guess since snow like this happens rather rarely, but the cold front is not appreciated. Not going to class has lost some of the charm it had in elementary, middle, and high school mostly because I (well, really my parents) are paying for these classes out of their own pockets instead of through taxes.
At this point I am upset at the people who renovated this side of the building because they forgot (conveniently for them I guess) weather stripping on the doors which means all the cold air gets in through the crack in the door.
Well I think I'm going to go finish "The Corporation" now.
The website doesn't say anything about tomorrow. I guess they're being cautious because yesterday they said that school would be open unless something happened in the night and they would have a final decision this morning. At 6:40 this morning my suitemate came in and told my roommate and I that there was no school today. I kind of want to have a class tomorrow because it would give me some intellectual stimulation and I haven't worked out for about a week because I only work out when I have class. If we don't have school tomorrow, as of noon it will be a week since we had classes.
My opinion is that the cold is too much. I am chilly in 50 degree weather so this weather is really getting to me. The snow is nice I guess since snow like this happens rather rarely, but the cold front is not appreciated. Not going to class has lost some of the charm it had in elementary, middle, and high school mostly because I (well, really my parents) are paying for these classes out of their own pockets instead of through taxes.
At this point I am upset at the people who renovated this side of the building because they forgot (conveniently for them I guess) weather stripping on the doors which means all the cold air gets in through the crack in the door.
Well I think I'm going to go finish "The Corporation" now.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Die-In
There is nothing more powerful in the world than a group of hundreds saying "no". No to war, to the killing, the violence, the hatred. No to corrupt politicians who promote war to make a dollar. No to those who make a mockery out of democracy.
Today, in Red Square, more than a hundred people said no to these very things. They wore red to symbolize the blood shed and died, for seven minutes, to send a message to the politicians in Washington D.C.: Get us out of war in Iraq. Among those in the crowd were people who carried posters, scraps of cardboard, with a unified purpose, a unified statement: We don't want any more of this. We are tired of war, tired of people dying, tired of our family, friends, neighbors being sent overseas to fight in a war that never should have been started in the first place.
I don't really have any more to say. It was powerfully moving and politically significant. We said to the world "You can't ignore us."
Today, in Red Square, more than a hundred people said no to these very things. They wore red to symbolize the blood shed and died, for seven minutes, to send a message to the politicians in Washington D.C.: Get us out of war in Iraq. Among those in the crowd were people who carried posters, scraps of cardboard, with a unified purpose, a unified statement: We don't want any more of this. We are tired of war, tired of people dying, tired of our family, friends, neighbors being sent overseas to fight in a war that never should have been started in the first place.
I don't really have any more to say. It was powerfully moving and politically significant. We said to the world "You can't ignore us."
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Expressing an opinion...
If you are offended by opinions in general, do not hesitate to leave this blog right now. Run, don't walk. Out. Now.
Now that I've gotten out everyone that might possibly be a problem, I'm actually going to be serious because I've been thinking. Seriously. I had to write a couple paragraphs for an online discussion for one of my classes and this got me thinking, in general.
Thing number one: Democrats have control of Congress. After many long years, it's just about time. Now I make it my general policy not to vote straight party lines, picking the best person for the job, actually reading my voter's pamphlet to help me decide about non-partisan issues. I am a literate American. I would like to make it clear, however, that the two-party system is corrupt, and I would rather just have the choice to vote for people that have the same or similar beliefs as me, without the party label, but because there is this party system in the United States, I've learned to deal with it. So I vote Democrat. As moderate as the Democratic party has become in the last decade or so, to me it is still better than the Republicans.
Still on thing number one, just a new paragraph. I was watching TV while I was working out, like I usually do, but instead of watching The View or Tyra, or something like that (mindless dribble that keeps my brain away from the fact that exercising isn't exactly pleasant) I watched our dear beloved president give a lovely speech about the fact that, scary thought (to him at least), the Democrats had the House and that (even scarier thought to him), there was a woman in charge. Oh, and the fact that Rumsfeld "resigned" to make way for (drumroll) somebody from Texas. Am I surprised? No. The only word I have for this is cronyism. Is that a real word? I don't know. But it sure fits the circumstances. Let me tell you, I kept my hands firmly planted on the handles on the elliptical machine, resisting the urge to flip the people on the screen off, simply because I was in a public place, and I, unlike some people, respect that some people have different opinions than I do.
Thing number two: I promise you this has almost nothing to do with politics. Pinkie swear. It has to do with gender roles. I know, big exciting subject isn't it? But it is something I've been thinking about.
Where to start? Well this seems about right. Who am I to judge what you identify as? I am starting to recognize, very much overdue, that so much of this isn't black and white. Why do we look at people and automatically say man or woman and then base all of our interactions with that person on how they look, whether they look like the traditional/stereotypical man or woman? Why? There is so much more than that. I know that I personally have been mistaken for a guy more than once, simply because, I believe, that I had a haircut that was more masculine than feminine. These little experiences have shaped me.
I used to carry my wallet in my back pocket. My left back pocket. Everywhere I went, there it was. Most people would consider that a male/masculine thing. A purse was a burden I didn't need, but now I don't carry my wallet in my back pocket anymore for numerous reasons. I drive now and sitting on a wallet is not the most comfortable thing in the world, as I have been told by some of my male friends. I have a cell phone now and women's jeans are not designed for women to actually be able to carry things in their front pockets. It isn't fair. It forces women to either buy guys pants or carry a purse. Back when all I carried in my pockets was loose change and chapstick, this wasn't such a big problem. My purse is a burden on me. A very large burden. I would not carry one if I didn't need to. I don't when I don't have to. Does this make me less feminine? No. If you think it does you have more than a few loose screws.
I don't wear makeup that often and when I do wear it, I usually go for a very minimal effect. I don't like eyeshadow and the only reason I like eye pencil, totally defying the above statement, is that I can put it on thick and draw attention to my eyes. I save makeup, like swearing, for special occasions.
Why do we judge people like this? Is a female that has a short haircut, a wallet in her back pocket, and who rarely wears makeup except for dramatic effect, less of a woman than a female who curls her hair every morning, carries a big purse full of stuff, and puts on a whole face every morning? Is a male that isn't athletic, has emotions and isn't ashamed to express them to people close to him, and who is comfortable with having women as just friends any less of a man than a male who is jock, who bottles up his rage, fear, and sadness, and who believes that men and women can't be just friends? Why does society assume such a dichotomy? It isn't black and white! It can never be.
I don't want to conform to society's standards of beauty, but the sad fact is that whether I want to or not, the pressure is incredible to do just this. I will not justify any of my above statements or preface them with comments that totally negate their effect. All I will say is that I love myself, I love who I am, and if you try to change me, I will not be happy with you at all. I will be mad.
Thing number 3: A lighter subject than the above ones, and, admittedly, less likely to offend, not that it really matters to me. I love it that the food vendors at college don't try to restrict extremely, what you eat, especially with respects to nutritional value. If I want pizza I get pizza. If I get fat form eating pizza everyday (which I don't) then it is my own fault, not the fault of my parents or the school. I am in charge of my eating. Every time I want salad, I get salad. When I don't want it, I don't get it. "Nutritional" food is not forced on me by the school. They offer nutritious options, but they are just options. I don't have to pick them and when I want to choose them I can. Choices are a wonderful thing.
Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving if anybody is at all. I appreciate it immensely.
Tata for now.
Now that I've gotten out everyone that might possibly be a problem, I'm actually going to be serious because I've been thinking. Seriously. I had to write a couple paragraphs for an online discussion for one of my classes and this got me thinking, in general.
Thing number one: Democrats have control of Congress. After many long years, it's just about time. Now I make it my general policy not to vote straight party lines, picking the best person for the job, actually reading my voter's pamphlet to help me decide about non-partisan issues. I am a literate American. I would like to make it clear, however, that the two-party system is corrupt, and I would rather just have the choice to vote for people that have the same or similar beliefs as me, without the party label, but because there is this party system in the United States, I've learned to deal with it. So I vote Democrat. As moderate as the Democratic party has become in the last decade or so, to me it is still better than the Republicans.
Still on thing number one, just a new paragraph. I was watching TV while I was working out, like I usually do, but instead of watching The View or Tyra, or something like that (mindless dribble that keeps my brain away from the fact that exercising isn't exactly pleasant) I watched our dear beloved president give a lovely speech about the fact that, scary thought (to him at least), the Democrats had the House and that (even scarier thought to him), there was a woman in charge. Oh, and the fact that Rumsfeld "resigned" to make way for (drumroll) somebody from Texas. Am I surprised? No. The only word I have for this is cronyism. Is that a real word? I don't know. But it sure fits the circumstances. Let me tell you, I kept my hands firmly planted on the handles on the elliptical machine, resisting the urge to flip the people on the screen off, simply because I was in a public place, and I, unlike some people, respect that some people have different opinions than I do.
Thing number two: I promise you this has almost nothing to do with politics. Pinkie swear. It has to do with gender roles. I know, big exciting subject isn't it? But it is something I've been thinking about.
Where to start? Well this seems about right. Who am I to judge what you identify as? I am starting to recognize, very much overdue, that so much of this isn't black and white. Why do we look at people and automatically say man or woman and then base all of our interactions with that person on how they look, whether they look like the traditional/stereotypical man or woman? Why? There is so much more than that. I know that I personally have been mistaken for a guy more than once, simply because, I believe, that I had a haircut that was more masculine than feminine. These little experiences have shaped me.
I used to carry my wallet in my back pocket. My left back pocket. Everywhere I went, there it was. Most people would consider that a male/masculine thing. A purse was a burden I didn't need, but now I don't carry my wallet in my back pocket anymore for numerous reasons. I drive now and sitting on a wallet is not the most comfortable thing in the world, as I have been told by some of my male friends. I have a cell phone now and women's jeans are not designed for women to actually be able to carry things in their front pockets. It isn't fair. It forces women to either buy guys pants or carry a purse. Back when all I carried in my pockets was loose change and chapstick, this wasn't such a big problem. My purse is a burden on me. A very large burden. I would not carry one if I didn't need to. I don't when I don't have to. Does this make me less feminine? No. If you think it does you have more than a few loose screws.
I don't wear makeup that often and when I do wear it, I usually go for a very minimal effect. I don't like eyeshadow and the only reason I like eye pencil, totally defying the above statement, is that I can put it on thick and draw attention to my eyes. I save makeup, like swearing, for special occasions.
Why do we judge people like this? Is a female that has a short haircut, a wallet in her back pocket, and who rarely wears makeup except for dramatic effect, less of a woman than a female who curls her hair every morning, carries a big purse full of stuff, and puts on a whole face every morning? Is a male that isn't athletic, has emotions and isn't ashamed to express them to people close to him, and who is comfortable with having women as just friends any less of a man than a male who is jock, who bottles up his rage, fear, and sadness, and who believes that men and women can't be just friends? Why does society assume such a dichotomy? It isn't black and white! It can never be.
I don't want to conform to society's standards of beauty, but the sad fact is that whether I want to or not, the pressure is incredible to do just this. I will not justify any of my above statements or preface them with comments that totally negate their effect. All I will say is that I love myself, I love who I am, and if you try to change me, I will not be happy with you at all. I will be mad.
Thing number 3: A lighter subject than the above ones, and, admittedly, less likely to offend, not that it really matters to me. I love it that the food vendors at college don't try to restrict extremely, what you eat, especially with respects to nutritional value. If I want pizza I get pizza. If I get fat form eating pizza everyday (which I don't) then it is my own fault, not the fault of my parents or the school. I am in charge of my eating. Every time I want salad, I get salad. When I don't want it, I don't get it. "Nutritional" food is not forced on me by the school. They offer nutritious options, but they are just options. I don't have to pick them and when I want to choose them I can. Choices are a wonderful thing.
Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving if anybody is at all. I appreciate it immensely.
Tata for now.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tapping my fingers on the table of infinity
Catchy title, huh?
The only reason I can actually get online is because of the wireless network in the Union building. The Ethernet is not working in my dorm. So I walked down to the Union building in my slippers (don't worry I had actual clothing on) in the rain to write the online responses I needed to have done by ten o'clock this morning. At least seven sentences each. The first one I was counting the sentences, but the second one I really got going on and ended up with nine sentences, most of them fairly long.
I wish I could get something at the cafe here, but there is a huge line right now and I have no particular interest in waiting. I think it will clear up sometime and I have no particular interest in leaving right now, so I think I'll just stay put and watch it from my strategic post near the market. Watch the pattern of people. Watch them come in and out, in and out, waiting for their morning coffee. Ha ha. I predict that in about eight or so minutes at ten o'clock a great deal of them will be gone and I can get my Italian soda or smoothie. I haven't tried their smoothies yet and I have heard nothing but good things about them.
I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm thinking that the market serves breakfast still, so I might give up my post watching the lines at the cafe and get something to eat, if they take something other than actual money. Maybe. No hurry.
I think I'm going to go for now, but I do have about five hours left on my battery, so I'm not too particularly worried about getting my power cable from the room.
The only reason I can actually get online is because of the wireless network in the Union building. The Ethernet is not working in my dorm. So I walked down to the Union building in my slippers (don't worry I had actual clothing on) in the rain to write the online responses I needed to have done by ten o'clock this morning. At least seven sentences each. The first one I was counting the sentences, but the second one I really got going on and ended up with nine sentences, most of them fairly long.
I wish I could get something at the cafe here, but there is a huge line right now and I have no particular interest in waiting. I think it will clear up sometime and I have no particular interest in leaving right now, so I think I'll just stay put and watch it from my strategic post near the market. Watch the pattern of people. Watch them come in and out, in and out, waiting for their morning coffee. Ha ha. I predict that in about eight or so minutes at ten o'clock a great deal of them will be gone and I can get my Italian soda or smoothie. I haven't tried their smoothies yet and I have heard nothing but good things about them.
I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm thinking that the market serves breakfast still, so I might give up my post watching the lines at the cafe and get something to eat, if they take something other than actual money. Maybe. No hurry.
I think I'm going to go for now, but I do have about five hours left on my battery, so I'm not too particularly worried about getting my power cable from the room.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Welcome to my life...
When I thought things couldn't get any weirder, they did. No elaboration will be given. This was just a comment on the status of the world.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Totally awesome day
Today has been so totally awesome. My second (and last) class of the day was canceled. I had a fan-smegging-tastic workout at the gym on the ellipticals. I burned about 175 calories in twenty minutes. I usually burn about half that amount or less in the same amount of time. Yoga was fast-paced and went by very quickly, a good and bad thing at the same time. I did two things today in that class that I've been trying to do for a couple classes now: crow and a position that I don't remember the name to, but requires a whole lot of flexibility, not my strong point. Crow requires that you pretty much put all your weight on your lower arms. I could hold it for about two seconds, but that's a very good starting point. Let me see if I can find a picture.

That's the best picture of it I could find. It requires a balance of strength, balance and flexibility very typical of vinyasa yoga, at least. I haven't ever practiced anything else, so I don't know if that is true of all schools. All I know is that all this working out and yoga make me feel really great about myself. I feel stronger and healthier. I love having pretty much unlimited access to a gym that I don't have to pay extra for.
The only part about this day that wasn't utterly awesome was the food. I had leftover pizza for breakfast and the lunch and dinner in the dining hall wasn't that great. Well I don't know what else to say, so I think it's tata for now.

That's the best picture of it I could find. It requires a balance of strength, balance and flexibility very typical of vinyasa yoga, at least. I haven't ever practiced anything else, so I don't know if that is true of all schools. All I know is that all this working out and yoga make me feel really great about myself. I feel stronger and healthier. I love having pretty much unlimited access to a gym that I don't have to pay extra for.
The only part about this day that wasn't utterly awesome was the food. I had leftover pizza for breakfast and the lunch and dinner in the dining hall wasn't that great. Well I don't know what else to say, so I think it's tata for now.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I love cheez-its. They're so good. Right now they're serving as a preliminary to dinner because I want to have a late dinner at 9:00 because I really feel like having a sandwich and they only have sandwiches at late night dinner.
I got our microfridge into place today, but the fridge and freezer smell, so my roomie is getting baking soda to absorb the smell from her work. We're going on a small grocery store trip on the weekend to fill it up. The room is a lot cleaner because I had to move stuff to get it into place (the desks are heavy). Most of the stuff was mine so I just pushed it under the bed. I also emptied the trash bins and got more TP from the front desk. I was productive today. Hopefully tomorrow will be at least a little bit as productive.
Hopefully tomorrow I will have my first breakfast in the dining hall. I don't even have one class tomorrow, so I'm going to run an errand for someone, which might take three hours or more.
I got our microfridge into place today, but the fridge and freezer smell, so my roomie is getting baking soda to absorb the smell from her work. We're going on a small grocery store trip on the weekend to fill it up. The room is a lot cleaner because I had to move stuff to get it into place (the desks are heavy). Most of the stuff was mine so I just pushed it under the bed. I also emptied the trash bins and got more TP from the front desk. I was productive today. Hopefully tomorrow will be at least a little bit as productive.
Hopefully tomorrow I will have my first breakfast in the dining hall. I don't even have one class tomorrow, so I'm going to run an errand for someone, which might take three hours or more.
Monday, October 02, 2006
It's been a good day
When I say that I'm really talking about this little bit of today and the time I was awake yesterday. For the first time in my life I have IMed two people at once. Both are my friends, both are guys, and both are currently living more than a hundred miles away from me. I miss both of them, but I have made some new buddies (I don't know if I can call them friends) at school, so I'm doing alright. The power of technology!
I'm comparing school life with one of them right now, since the other has gone to bed. I never would have guessed that I'd ever be discussing financial aid with him at 12:29 am on a Sunday evening (well, technically Monday morning). Stranger things have happened though, and will continue to happen. Gosh, there are some times I really enjoy life's little surprises and this is one of them. Wow, I really mangled the last part of that last sentence badly.
I think I'm finished with this blog session for now. Good night (okay, good morning).
I'm comparing school life with one of them right now, since the other has gone to bed. I never would have guessed that I'd ever be discussing financial aid with him at 12:29 am on a Sunday evening (well, technically Monday morning). Stranger things have happened though, and will continue to happen. Gosh, there are some times I really enjoy life's little surprises and this is one of them. Wow, I really mangled the last part of that last sentence badly.
I think I'm finished with this blog session for now. Good night (okay, good morning).
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Laundry day
There is very little in the world more enjoyable than clothing fresh out of the dryer. It is the ultimate happiness attainable by everyone in the developed world, unlike other things. It makes me really hesitant to fold my clothes, hoping to catch the warmth and freshness and hold it for as long as I possibly can.
This is my first laundry day at college.
This is my first laundry day at college.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
An update...
I went to the doctor the other day. A new doctor. She was very nice and talked to me about anything I wanted to know about. Unfortunately, she thought my thyroid was enlarged so I had to have a blood test before I left. I won't know the results until at least tomorrow, probably Tuesday. If anything's wrong I have to go get an ultrasound done. I don't know if I'd have time for that before next year, unless winter break starts before I go on vacation. Fat chance of that, but it might happen. Fortunately she said that it wasn't anything that serious, so if it had to be delayed it could be.
Other than that, nothing new.
Tata for now.
Other than that, nothing new.
Tata for now.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
My new format...
This is my new format. I got it from the original blog I had on here, but I forgot existed until tonight. Pretty cool, huh? Much easier on the eyes, not that font size really matters to me.
Just in case you're wondering I'm going to see if I can add that blog to my list of blogs, just to keep it managed somehow.
Just in case you're wondering I'm going to see if I can add that blog to my list of blogs, just to keep it managed somehow.
New news
For those who have been listening (or watching or reading whatever), an update on my life:
I am going to college in about 9 days. Yes, that late. It doesn't even start until the 27th.
I am not currently working but the reason I get to move in early at school is because I got a job helping people set up their internet connections for the first week of school. It'll be fun.
I posted a blog applying for a position to write on my school's freshman year blog. It was a good blog, so I hope it wins. If it doesn't, oh well, life goes on.
At this point in time I think my summer has been just long enough as opposed to other summers which always seemed to go on too long.
I have become a MySpace freak. I check it every day, sometimes twice a day (or three times, but I swear that's the most). The only thing that ever changes is the bulletins people post. Even then about half of those I completely ignore. The only thing I don't do is blog because I am loyal to and MySpace's blog format sucks on my browser. No, I'm not changing my browser.
I am going to a fair tomorrow with one of my friends. She going to try to drive to my house for the first time, which, since she's been driving about half the time I have, might be a challenge for her. Luckily I am just a phone call away for directional guidance.
My mom got me a gift. It's a map of the area in which I will be going to school. The one class I will have every weekday is all the way across the campus from my dorm which means I'll be getting a lot of exercise first thing in the morning, but if I work it just right I can use the fantabulous gym the school has, which is on that end of the campus, almost within sight. I don't know what I'll do second quarter, but I'll find some way to work it.
This exercise thing is part of my attempt not to gain the freshman fifteen (or ten). It'll be a challenge since I have problems sticking to a schedule, but I'll figure out some system of rewards and punishments so I'll stay on track. Another part will be eating healthier than I do at home, which might also be a challenge, but not as big as the exercise thing.
I can't wait to meet my roommate. She seems like a cool person from her emails.
This has very possibly been my very longest blog I have ever written, so I think it is time for me to sign off for now.
P.S. I will also try to keep up on this blog better than I have in the past.
I am going to college in about 9 days. Yes, that late. It doesn't even start until the 27th.
I am not currently working but the reason I get to move in early at school is because I got a job helping people set up their internet connections for the first week of school. It'll be fun.
I posted a blog applying for a position to write on my school's freshman year blog. It was a good blog, so I hope it wins. If it doesn't, oh well, life goes on.
At this point in time I think my summer has been just long enough as opposed to other summers which always seemed to go on too long.
I have become a MySpace freak. I check it every day, sometimes twice a day (or three times, but I swear that's the most). The only thing that ever changes is the bulletins people post. Even then about half of those I completely ignore. The only thing I don't do is blog because I am loyal to and MySpace's blog format sucks on my browser. No, I'm not changing my browser.
I am going to a fair tomorrow with one of my friends. She going to try to drive to my house for the first time, which, since she's been driving about half the time I have, might be a challenge for her. Luckily I am just a phone call away for directional guidance.
My mom got me a gift. It's a map of the area in which I will be going to school. The one class I will have every weekday is all the way across the campus from my dorm which means I'll be getting a lot of exercise first thing in the morning, but if I work it just right I can use the fantabulous gym the school has, which is on that end of the campus, almost within sight. I don't know what I'll do second quarter, but I'll find some way to work it.
This exercise thing is part of my attempt not to gain the freshman fifteen (or ten). It'll be a challenge since I have problems sticking to a schedule, but I'll figure out some system of rewards and punishments so I'll stay on track. Another part will be eating healthier than I do at home, which might also be a challenge, but not as big as the exercise thing.
I can't wait to meet my roommate. She seems like a cool person from her emails.
This has very possibly been my very longest blog I have ever written, so I think it is time for me to sign off for now.
P.S. I will also try to keep up on this blog better than I have in the past.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Correction to last post
Maybe I should check before I open my mouth, digitally. I have a correction to my last post. My friend is not dating anyone.
I just gotta love this...
It is...(checks clock)...very early in the morning. I can't sleep because I screwed up my internal alarm clock sometime in the last month and I'm online writing on my blog and emailing back and forth with a girl from Alaska who is going to the same university I am in the fall. This is really awesome. Plus I just found someone on MySpace who I haven't talked to for about two years or so...that might not sound like a long time, but when you take into account that I'm only 18, that's more than ten percent of my life. That's a long time! I hope he emails me back soon.
Oh don't freak out just because I said he. He's one of my friends from high school and I think he has a girlfriend. At least he did the last time I heard which was about a year ago. We're just friends, as cliched a line as that is. I would like to have coffee or lunch with him, just to see how he's doing, since he's one of those people from high school I'd like to stay in touch with.
I think I'm keeping this blog up very nicely, considering that I have a couple blogs that I know I've created, but I can't remember for the life of me. Plus about four or five email accounts that are the same way. Now I've pretty much mainstreamed my email accounts, limiting it to four. I just recently switched my main accounts so I could access my email more directly. Now I need to tell everyone in my address book that actually cares that I've switched accounts. It's not like its a big thing, just the ending changes from to I don't want to have to pay to have access to my email from an email program. No thanks, Yahoo and Hotmail. I'm not going to abandon any of my accounts, just view them a lot less often.
I really love having a laptop. It may be a refurbished iBook and fairly heavy as modern laptops come, but I love it dearly and would not trade it for any other laptop in the world.
I think I'm going to go now, but I might post again tonight (this morning, whatever).
Oh don't freak out just because I said he. He's one of my friends from high school and I think he has a girlfriend. At least he did the last time I heard which was about a year ago. We're just friends, as cliched a line as that is. I would like to have coffee or lunch with him, just to see how he's doing, since he's one of those people from high school I'd like to stay in touch with.
I think I'm keeping this blog up very nicely, considering that I have a couple blogs that I know I've created, but I can't remember for the life of me. Plus about four or five email accounts that are the same way. Now I've pretty much mainstreamed my email accounts, limiting it to four. I just recently switched my main accounts so I could access my email more directly. Now I need to tell everyone in my address book that actually cares that I've switched accounts. It's not like its a big thing, just the ending changes from to I don't want to have to pay to have access to my email from an email program. No thanks, Yahoo and Hotmail. I'm not going to abandon any of my accounts, just view them a lot less often.
I really love having a laptop. It may be a refurbished iBook and fairly heavy as modern laptops come, but I love it dearly and would not trade it for any other laptop in the world.
I think I'm going to go now, but I might post again tonight (this morning, whatever).
Monday, July 03, 2006
A little bit of news from me land
I feel pretty awful, not having posted in more than a month. Well, here's the current issues in my life:
1. I got a laptop. Pretty awesome. Not the newest model, but definitely pretty cool none the less.
2. I went to England for a week. I only had one meal that wasn't completely to my satisfaction.
3. I figured out how to get more than one email address into one inbox. Unfortunately the accounts I reall wanted this to work for didn't work. Oh well. Life goes on. I can still check them online. I need to add my school email address to the line-up, even though I don't get anything there yet. I'll put that on my to-do list.
Toodles for now.
1. I got a laptop. Pretty awesome. Not the newest model, but definitely pretty cool none the less.
2. I went to England for a week. I only had one meal that wasn't completely to my satisfaction.
3. I figured out how to get more than one email address into one inbox. Unfortunately the accounts I reall wanted this to work for didn't work. Oh well. Life goes on. I can still check them online. I need to add my school email address to the line-up, even though I don't get anything there yet. I'll put that on my to-do list.
Toodles for now.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The latest (and greatest)
I think I'm going to be very tired of Shakespeare by the end of today since we're watching "Much Ado About Nothing" in English and my next class is Shakespeare, so that's three hours (with a break for lunch) of the Bard. I have seen the movie so many times, including once earlier this year, but it is still a good movie.
After school I have to write graduation announcements for my whole family, so that may take awhile. I don't have work until Saturday so pretty much the rest of my week is very free, which I am very thankful for. Working four days in a row at work is not fun, even though I do make a considerable sum in tips. Memorial Day weekend was especially busy.
After school I have to write graduation announcements for my whole family, so that may take awhile. I don't have work until Saturday so pretty much the rest of my week is very free, which I am very thankful for. Working four days in a row at work is not fun, even though I do make a considerable sum in tips. Memorial Day weekend was especially busy.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
This is wonderfully strong poem. I think it would make a great rock song.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I wonder...
I wonder if it's worth keeping this blog up at all. Since I haven't been doing a very good job at updating it as often as I have done in the past, I don't know whether it is worth keeping it up. I already contribute to another blog that I know at least some people read. If I find anything interesting to post I will, but other than that you, my devoted audience, will not hear anything else from me unless I know that someone is even looking at my blog.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Just because
I just thought I'd write so all my devoted fans (as if; sometimes I think I'm just talking to myself) aren't too disappointed.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I found the coolest thing today...
I found the most interesting website today. Well not as much as found, but looked over one of my friends' shoulders and noted the site name and URL. The site is It is a simulation site where you are in charge of a country and you get to decide the politics and location of your country as well as its flag. It's really cool.
You should see this...
I have recently joined the contributors of a blog about a beautiful French actor. If you want to look it up the title is: Gaspard Ulliel, which is the actor's name just in case you're wondering. Comment on the blog if you care at all.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Gaspard Ulliel
My latest and only actor obsession: Gaspard Ulliel. Gotta love those young French actors. Plus he's only three and a half years older than I am. I hope he becomes one of the defining actors of my generation. Anyway here is a list of websites with his picture on them:
Type in his name where it says "search" or something... on the left side of the page.
Made by
In French (He smokes :( so sad, but no one can be perfect)
About one of his movies in post-production (Jacquou Le Croquant)
In French (About the movie Young Hannibal)
In French
In Japanese
In Greek
I have no idea what language this is kat,1686,wid,6932071,wiadomosc.html
Cute pic, but only one
In Chinese (I think, could be Japanese)
You gotta love IMDB
For all the sites in French you can use an online translator to get a rough translation. The one I used and which I thought was quite good (I can only speak a little of another language and that's Japanese, so I could be totally off):
In my next post, which will be posted only a short time after this one I will post my favorite pictures of him.
Type in his name where it says "search" or something... on the left side of the page.
Made by
In French (He smokes :( so sad, but no one can be perfect)
About one of his movies in post-production (Jacquou Le Croquant)
In French (About the movie Young Hannibal)
In French
In Japanese
In Greek
I have no idea what language this is kat,1686,wid,6932071,wiadomosc.html
Cute pic, but only one
In Chinese (I think, could be Japanese)
You gotta love IMDB
For all the sites in French you can use an online translator to get a rough translation. The one I used and which I thought was quite good (I can only speak a little of another language and that's Japanese, so I could be totally off):
In my next post, which will be posted only a short time after this one I will post my favorite pictures of him.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
This guy has it right...
To social liberals in the Seattle-area: If you haven't read this article you should. This man hit the gay marriage nail squarely on the head. His name is Ryan Blethern and this is the link to his editorial on the issue in the Seattle Times: There is much more good stuff than what is in the following excerpt.
Here is an excerpt:
Here is an excerpt:
"Leaders of the fight against civil rights need to give up their crusade. Their notions of sin and sexuality belong in another era, to decades past when women could not vote, black people drank from designated fountains and gays and lesbians were beaten into false lives.... One of the reasons used to try to tank any civil rights aimed at gays and lesbians is the claim that those rights will lead to same-sex marriage. On this point, the opposition is correct. Thank goodness. (Before moving on, let's drop the labels. The weddings I attend this summer will not be called "heterosexual" weddings and the people involved will not be in "hetero-marriages." So let's not label marriage as gay. Call it what it is: marriage)."
Friday, February 17, 2006
I wish that some days had twice the time in them that they do. That every minute was twice as long. But that will not happen anytime in the forseeable future so I guess I'm stuck with the sixty second minute. Oh well. Fortunately after today we get a week plus of vacation and I only have to work two of those days. Yay!
I enjoy the peace and quiet that I get when all I can hear is the sound of the keys I am typing on the keyboard and words when I talk to my friend at the computer next to me. I know soon enough that it will get loud again in here, but I will savor this quietness for as long as I possibly can, but I think I will go and play a game now while I can still think.
Tata for now.
I enjoy the peace and quiet that I get when all I can hear is the sound of the keys I am typing on the keyboard and words when I talk to my friend at the computer next to me. I know soon enough that it will get loud again in here, but I will savor this quietness for as long as I possibly can, but I think I will go and play a game now while I can still think.
Tata for now.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Extra time
I wish. The only extra time I have is when I can't use it. Go figure. Anyway I found the coolest blog yesterday. The people who write it are halfway across the country from me, but they still do have some interesting opinions. The blog is I can't say that it is complete genius, but the people who write it know what they're talking about. They don't just prvide opinion, they provide facts, sometimes to back up the opinion.
I wish I had something interesting to write about, but nothing really fascinating is happening here. People are playing on computers next to me, mostly on game websites.
I guess I'm going to go now.
I wish I had something interesting to write about, but nothing really fascinating is happening here. People are playing on computers next to me, mostly on game websites.
I guess I'm going to go now.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Some computers are stupid
As I said, so computers are really stupid. They crash about half the times they are started up and the other half of the time are so slow that it's almost like they are crashing. Well, that's what you get with PCs. I have no grudge against them myself, but I think that Macs are so much better that there is no comparison. It is true that more games are designed for PCs than for Macs, but guess what, so are more viruses. Plus the graphics are better on a Mac. Now I have to decide which laptop I like better. The iBook is better for games, I think, but the other one, the new one, I forgot the name, is faster and has duo processors. I liked the iBook before I ever knew about the other one. It's time to go I think, but I will eventually decide. The other computer is still doing its stupid thing, but in time it too will decide what to do.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The First of Hopefully Many Posts
I am not notoriously good at keeping up on things like this, so I don't know how long I'll remember this blog, but it's worth a try.
I'll talk about Sims, movies, and other oddities in my life, including my friends and things they do in their daily lives. Don't expect real names, however. I cannot stand stalkers especially around my friends.
I guess all I have to say now is "Tata for now".
I'll talk about Sims, movies, and other oddities in my life, including my friends and things they do in their daily lives. Don't expect real names, however. I cannot stand stalkers especially around my friends.
I guess all I have to say now is "Tata for now".
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