Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Everything is finally under control. I know exactly where I stand in the world and it is working for me.

What I've done so far:
  1. Sent in an online application to one Camp Fire Camp
  2. Set up a phone interview for 1:00 pm on Thursday with the director of said camp.
  3. Signed up for the CPR class that pretty much all day camps want.
  4. Printed out the day camp applications that I needed to print out.
  5. Spoke to one of my old managers, got her contact information and possibly a summer job if none of my applications are successful.
What I have yet to do:
  1. Phone interview on Thursday. Wish me luck!
  2. Take the CPR class on 6/3. Shouldn't be too hard because I've qualified before. Three hours of learning something I already know, but it is well worth it to be certified. I am so glad I saw that poster when I did because I was freaking out about it Sunday when I was filling out applications and also because they only had one spot left. (I hope this is the one they want, but it isn't specific.)
  3. Finalize the two day camp staff applications (both for city day camps), print them out, and mail them in. I need to do this in the next few days.
  4. Go to my community movie committee. My particular group, documentaries and foreign films, like the other four groups, gets a hundred dollars to spend on movies from our category for our residence hall community.
  5. Get through the week and enjoy the weekend.
See? All under control for once.

I don't know if I'll ever get used to this sunny weather. It actually feels like what I suppose May should feel like and not like March or April like it usually feels like. I hope it portends a pleasant summer, not too scorching hot and not too cold, with just the right amount of rain to keep the grass green.

Well, I should get working on those applications, so tata for now.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Gas prices...

Get this: People are freaking out because gas hit a nationwide average of $3.07 a gallon. $3.07 per gallon! Where I live it hasn't been that low for about six months or more.

Take a peek:

They say the highest average is $3.49 in San Francisco. I don't think their survey or however they got this data is quite far-reaching enough. It is ten cents more expensive here. I will not take pity on someone who complains when they are paying a few cents more than $3.00 for a gallon of gas. Give me a break!

I thank my lucky stars that I do not drive here because to fill the car I usually drive (a 1989 Toyota Camry) it would cost $43.08. Over forty dollars to fill a tank! Back home, it would cost me $41.28 if I filled up in my home town (mailing address city, because I'm technically unincorporated) and in one of the other places I'd fill up it's $40.68.

Time to go, finished with my rant. Tata for now.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


This morning as I was walking to my lovely nine o'clock class from my dorm, I turned the corner at one of the neighboring dorms I saw a couple of black-tailed deer. Immediately I stopped, my jaw dropped slightly, and I stared at them. They stared back and, obviously not scared of me, they moved across the path slowly. My first reaction was to reach for my camera phone; even though it doesn't take great photos it could back up my story. I wanted to post the pictures on my blog here, but apparently they don't want to send in the building I'm in. I may try later. I may not.

Anyway, tata for now.