Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday 13th

I remember in elementary school, in fourth grade the student teacher in my class heard that a fair number of us were worried about Friday the 13th being unlucky. She told us that it was only as unlucky as we thought it was. She said that it could be a lucky day if we thought it was. Thanks for the advice.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oy vey

I think if I get my head straight on my head again I may be able to get my body working in proper shape again. I think that might take a while so I guess I just take the pills for my body and just try to relax to get my head working well again. I'd like where I am a lot better if my body would cooperate, but I think it decided to quit on me a few days ago and only will agree to help me if I give it the kind of food and drinks it likes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just as a notice...

I have every intention of just keeping this blog as a place to put random thoughts and ideas, so they don't spill over into my other, more serious blog on Wordpress.

To the new year

It is a new year after all, since the last time I wrote was in April of 2008 and man have things changed since then.

In November we elected our first African-American president, Barack Hussein Obama, but lost the same-sex marriage rights battle in California.

As of January (now), Obama was just sworn into the office of the presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State (yay for the second female one this decade), and the marriages of those couples who wedded in California in the months that it was legal there are in limbo.

What a crazy world we live in.